Experimenting from a space of consciousness, opens the possibility of modifying the existing standards. The session begins with deep touches to release tensions of the back and pelvis, and wrist muscles recover. Once activated the muscle movement and pulse energy, begin soft touches that bring energy to the skin, distributing excitations of the most sensitive to the most dormant. Following these specific channels of energy flow, small "spasms" orgasmic start to happen in consecutive waves upward. These flows allow the release of tensions old memories of contraction, chakra balancing, and produce new neurological connections to the acceptance of sensations, perceptions and excitations not known, not accepted or not supported. The goal is to experience pleasure and sensuality possibilities of starting from a new perspective, which is the science of Tantra.

A massage done with the naked body
With techniques of Zen Shaitsu and Thay. Working your whole body with using my feet, legs, knees, elbows ...